DataWatchdog Campaign
Together with Víctor Ortiz
Fotografía Joan Calomarde y Rubén Mangana
The DataWatchdog campaign focuses on a series of photos of people wrapped in bubble wrap. This seemingly innocuous packaging material symbolizes the fragile state of our personal data as it travels across the vast online landscape. It also serves as a reminder of how easily our personal information can be manipulated, exploited and sold without our explicit knowledge or consent.
Are we being reduced to mere commodities, are we being packaged and sold to the highest bidder, stripped of control over our own lives?
2024 - ADG Laus (ADG-FAD) / Bronze / Barcelona
2024 -

We firmly believe that everyone should have the right to understand and control the information that defines them.

We played the role of art directors, designers and producers creating all the content for this campaign. First we adapted the Waldenburg typeface to work on stencils. Then we laser-cut the templates from which we made the stencils. The last step was a photo shoot divided into 2 sessions in which the bubble stencils were photographed and filmed both separately and on the models.