Editorial Piece
Together with Víctor Ortiz
KPP [Keeping Privacy Private] is a one-off magazine that aims to inform and raise awareness about what goes on behind the scenes with us and our personal data, and how this negatively impacts people's privacy, freedom and autonomy. We want to achieve this through a series of articles and interviews that offer a panoramic view of the problem we want to talk about, as well as some artworks with a strong symbolic charge.
2024 - ADG Laus (ADG-FAD) / Bronze / Barcelona
2024 -

This editorial piece carries on the front and back cover a sharp punch to reveal an essential message linked to the tone of the organization: They Know You Better Than You Know Yourself.

The KPP magazine is divided into three main parts: a chapter on Surveillance Capitalism, a chapter with real case studies on how personal data is an essential source of information, and a chapter on Cambridge Analytica, Pokemon Go and Alexa.

The magazine not only presents articles and interviews, but also has a more visual and direct way of communicating.

One way of expressing this is through the use of tracing paper, a resource that has allowed us to generate overlapping effects that hide and reveal information to reinforce general concepts.